“The key to successful outcomes in PT is that you show up for your appointments!! Most PT visits last minimum 3 months. Now, if you are an athlete in PT, you gotta be thinking “when can I play?” It has been my experience and study that traditional PT does not always satisfy the rigors for return to sport.”
The key to successful outcomes in PT is that you show up for your appointments!! Most PT visits last minimum 3 months. Now, if you are an athlete in PT, you gotta be thinking “when can I play?” It has been my experience and study that traditional PT does not always satisfy the rigors for return to sport.
At BODYSPECS we are experts in the most rigorous methods to determine return to sport. I want to be clear: This is NOT to say that PT is NOT doing a good job. However, I worked in the clinical setting for quite awhile and I know that the traditional environment does not always address the aggressive rigors and demands of sport nor does it confront the mental reticent of athletes even though the pain is gone. Range is WNL (within normal limits). This ‘doubt’ that ALL athletes harbor can hamper real ‘life’ (practice/game situations). Enter HIT as a PT!!
HIT, high intensity training, was first used when the weight machine design company HAMMER STRENGTH introduced their unique ergonomically design pieces that allowed biomechanical efficiency to produce maximum output for every rep without joint irritation. This was circa 1990-91! Prior to that bodybuilders called this ‘shock’ training. I am a big fan of aggressive rehab, but you must know what you are dealing with!