Feb 12, 2018 | Prevention Pearls, Sports Injury, Training Different, Uncategorized
The struggle is real. More real for young athletes. These young Titans of the game want to excel. But the double edge sword is that the cost can be high. Think about your normal work day. It can be grueling but we’re adults and we know how to regulate the...
Feb 9, 2018 | Prevention Pearls
Ahhhh thats better.Yeah. Thats MUCH better! Several months ago I was introduced to a talented young group out of Traverse City, MI :LEADPLAN. A marketing firm. Their tag line is “Market like a rock star!”. (love that shit). I invited them...
Jan 11, 2018 | Prevention Pearls, Sports Injury, Training Different
Fitness Solutions To Mitigate Injuries Train, train, train! Speed. Power. Quickness… Ouch!! We are trained professionals in the science of sports performance and injury prevention. Sometimes things go wrong, and injuries happen. It is no doubt that each sport...
Dec 4, 2017 | Prevention Pearls
AT BSI we, of course, stress the ‘warm-up’ before we start our training. IF you are not a client, our training is multifaceted meaning the sessions involve multiple stations of power, coordination and stamina demands (We are NOT a CrossFit gym). This is...