Nov 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
The key to successful outcomes in PT is that you show up! Most PT visits last minimum 3 months. Now if you are an athlete in PT, you gotta be thinking “when can I play?” It has been my experience and study that traditional PT does not always satisfy the rigors for...
Mar 11, 2019 | Fitness Solutions, Prevention Pearls, Sports Injury, Training Different, Uncategorized
I’ve had It! I am going to set the record straight on icing an injury; specifically sports related injuries. There has been a slew of articles against using ice for injuries. In proper context the articles claim it can do more harm than good and delay healing....
Jan 21, 2019 | Fitness Solutions, Prevention Pearls, Sports Injury, Throwback, Training Different, Uncategorized
YOU ever wonder why you get winded the first few moments of a work out? Most likely because you did not warm up! The blood contains, fat, plasma, red cells, white cells, natural killer cells, sugars etc; it is an impressive concoction that is...
Jul 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
AT BSI we, of course, stress the ‘warm-up’ before we start our training. IF you are not a client, our training is multifaceted; meaning the sessions involve multiple stations of power, coordination and stamina demands This is how I have been training...
Feb 12, 2018 | Prevention Pearls, Sports Injury, Training Different, Uncategorized
The struggle is real. More real for young athletes. These young Titans of the game want to excel. But the double edge sword is that the cost can be high. Think about your normal work day. It can be grueling but we’re adults and we know how to regulate the...